Privacy Policy Customers

Information notice on the processing of your personal data in accordance with the legislation on the protection of personal data Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

Data controller

The Data Controller is Nikolaus Bagnara S.p.A., Via Madonna del Riposo 34, I-39057 Appiano (BZ)

Legal basis and purpose of the processing

The data controller collects your personal data which are indispensable in order to provide you with an estimate, as per your request, and in case of acceptance for the execution of contractual obligations.

The processing is necessary for the execution of pre-contractual measures and in case of acceptance of the quote, for the execution of the contract.

Personal data processed

The personal data subject to processing includes contact and personal data such as: name and surname, e-mail, address, tax code, telephone number, data necessary for invoicing and delivery: invoicing and shipping address, means of payment, order amount and details of products purchased

Nature of conferment

The processing of personal data is necessary. Failure to provide such information, or the provision of such information in part or inexactly, shall make it objectively impossible to provide a quotation and to conduct the contractual relationship properly

Data communication

In case of acceptance of the quote, your data are shared with companies and consultants who carry out on behalf of the holder specific activities closely related to the above-mentioned purposes, including professionals who provide tax advice, companies that manage the computer infrastructure.

Transfer of personal data outside the EU

There is no transfer of personal data outside the European Union.

Storage of personal data

The quote shall be retained for 1 year after its formulation.

In the event of acceptance of the quote, personal data shall be retained for the duration of the contract and thereafter for 10 years after termination subject to different limitation periods in the event of legal proceedings.

Your rights

Unless restricted by law, you may exercise the following rights:

  • access to your data stored by the controller
  • modification, correction and updating of the data
  • cancellation, restriction and opposition to processing
  • portability of data

How to exercise your rights

To exercise the rights listed above, simply send a request to the holder by writing to

The exercise of the above rights is subject to the limits provided for by the GDPR.

The data controller may assess the legitimacy of your request after verifying your identity.

In order to provide you with an exhaustive reply, you must specify the processing and which of the above rights you intend to exercise. The data controller will reply within 30 days of receiving your request. This period may be extended by 60 days in view of the complexity of the request

The right to lodge a complaint

You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, the Data Protection Authority, if you think that the personal data processing is not compliant to GDPR.

The complaint may also be submitted to a supervisory authority other than the Italian one, if that authority is that of the EU Member State in which you habitually reside or work or that of the place where the alleged infringement occurred

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Summer Holidays

Our company will be closing from August 10th to August 25th, 2024. We will be at your disposal again on Monday 26.